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- Are Colleges Making Women Dumb?
Are Colleges Making Women Dumb?
How the education system is uneducated

As you know by now, no topic is off-limit here, and everything is up for question; even our education system. It’s no secret that more and more people are losing faith in the whole, “get a degree and life will become better” propaganda that has been pushed for decades. But there is even a bigger question at hand, are colleges actually uneducating people? Is the same system that has promised to educate us and make us productive citizens of society actually doing the opposite?
A recent video surfaced on the internet of a woman by the name of Tiphani Montgomery who was discussing the bad spiritual effects of sororities and fraternities, as many college graduates have decided to denounce them and give their lives to Christ. While I can see how sororities and fraternities can be a problem, it brought me to question the college system as a whole and its effect on women.
Though I did not graduate nor take the traditional route to college, I can say in my short time span there that I was not impressed by the teachings and curriculum. I also find that college is definitely not a one-size-fits-all education solution.
There are many things that I have against the current college system. One thing is the amount of debt that people get into just to struggle to get minimum-wage jobs. And how many women are stuck in survival mode to pay off a degree they actually never wanted. Or how some college students go to college with a religious belief and graduate college as atheists. Or how many women's identities are wrapped up in their degree.
Am I against college? Certainly not. I believe it has its pros as well as its cons depending on how it is leveraged, but I also can’t ignore the negative effects that college can have when one is not aware.
Tune in to the next episode as I dissect and discuss this topic. See ya soon!